Physical and mental wellbeing guides clubs may find useful this winter
November 5, 2012 | by Matt Halfpenny
Sport England has launched its new Autumn and Winter Toolkit to help clubs inspire their members and communities to continue to be physically active as the seasons change and the days get colder.
The toolkit covers guidance in relation to Covid-19 restrictions, materials that you can adapt to suit your audience, and information about joining Sport England’s existing campaigns.
It also includes some key messages that help get over the importance of being active – particularly in terms of looking after mental health – insights and statistics relating to fitness habits and social media tips.
You can download the toolkit by heading over to our Mental Health page.
Also available to download is an England Boxing guide to looking after your mental health at work, which will be pertinent for some adult boxers and many coaches, officials and volunteers.
It includes a mental health toolkit, five ways to wellbeing, issues and solutions and links to additional resources and materials.
You can download the toolkit by heading over to our Mental Health page.