After The Locker announcement, England Boxing encouraged its members to submit any questions they had about the new system. The forthcoming responses will aim to address these queries or any concerns that were raised.
I have entered 7 boxers into the William Wallace box cup in July how will we do this without medical cards?
Boxing abroad requests can be submitted by clubs on the Locker. When the request is approved you will be issued an email response that informs other Boxing Federations of our digital BCR1 system and request that their supervisors submit bout results to Regional Registrars of EB head office. Home Nations will also be informed of the new Digital BCR1’s in advance so that they are aware to not expect paper versions.
I do have concerns regarding tier 1 on payment of recreation boxers to the £5 cost. I feel this is very unfair to be charged as some recreational boxers may not continue to train after a couple of weeks but to make sure every boxer is fully insured you have to register on The Vault, how will this work on The Locker as a club?
As recreational boxers are able to spar, there is an added insurance risk that ultimately impacts on the cost of insurance for all members. We will nonetheless take your feedback onboard and consider how is best to proceed given your feedback. Thank you.
We are boxing in Scotland in July, how will it work for the digital BCR?
Boxing abroad requests can be submitted by clubs on The Locker. When the request is approved you will be issued an email response that informs other Boxing Federations of our digital BCR1 system and request that their supervisors submit bout results to Regional Registrars of EB head office. Home Nations will also be informed of the new Digital BCR1’s in advance so that they are aware to not expect paper versions.
My concern is the digital BCR1, how does this work for the supervisor and who will provide laptops to the supervisors?
See previous CRM Questions and Answers, which can be viewed here.
Will clubs be able to remove boxers that are no longer active from The Locker system?
Yes. Clubs will have oversight of their members and be able to remove those from their club membership.
What will the cost of permits be?
This is yet to be decided – EB is in active consultation with Regional Representatives to help determine a fee that is agreeable to all.
I’ve been a level 2 coach for around about 20 years, we have been hearing we may have to take a refresher course annually can you give us some feedback on this?
This is not yet due for roll-out and will be at least 12 months yet, during which time coaches, coach educators and volunteer representatives will be consulted on the course content and roll-out.
I run the Manchester Box Cup and we are running our second event in July, so on the weigh-in day of the event, how will the Drs/Officials know if each boxer had the correct medical/registration had been processed etc? Will they need to access this info online on the day or prior to the event, or will the box cup staff have to check this?
See previous CRM Questions and Answers, which can be viewed here.
What has EB put in place to ensure that supervisors can see a boxers bout record or medical status at a club show weigh in. Please also take into consideration that Wi-Fi is sometimes unavailable or a very weak signal. As a very active supervisor, if I could not confidently ascertain that a boxer is or isn’t medically suspended, what is the procedure to be?
See previous CRM Questions and Answers, which can be viewed here.
With the transition to digital BCR1s and EB having already taken over the processing of coaches and officials lanyards etc, does this mean the role of the regional registrars will no longer be required?
See previous CRM Questions and Answers, which can be viewed here.
Will this be an app? Will coaches need to be registered through this system aswell? We do not have any WiFi on our gym premises, so how will a doctor be able to do the medicals online without Internet access?
See previous CRM Questions and Answers, which can be viewed here.
Will the app that shows boxers records be up and running by the end of July?
Yes. Clubs with boxers competing in July & August should prioritise sending their paper BCR1’s to their registrars in early June so that there is plenty of time for the records to be updated & data input to the Locker. The use of paper BCR1’s at events will end on July 1st 2024
How do we get an initial boxing medical for a newly registered boxer? Will re-medicals being issued and then digitally submitted by the Doctor or the responsibility of the club?
The responsibility for updating medicals – including re-medicals – will be with the Doctor. Doctors will have access to the Locker and be able to update BCR1 medical records for individual boxers. Re-medicals can also be completed on the Locker by registered doctors. For GP’s not registered with EB, Doctor surgeries can use a paper ME1 to conduct a medical and send them to EB or Regional Registrars from the Doctor’s surgery email address directly.
Will boxers names and addresses be able to be viewed or shared as this could be concerning for juveniles.
Boxer records can only be viewed by those individual volunteers with approved access who have given written confirmation to the platform data sharing terms and conditions.
So does this mean we could ask the supervisor at the show when doing the weigh in?
Coaches may ask supervisors or coaches from opposing clubs at a show to view boxer bout records during a weigh in. These can be viewed live from The Locker if the show venue has internet access
There is no way I’m matching anyone from my club without knowing other clubs /boxers records…how are you going to match? Let’s stick with warrior.
The Locker will provide clubs with the option to show clubs and supervisors their boxers bout records. Not only this, but unlike other platforms, coaches and boxers can guarantee that boxer records are accurate and up-to-date. Additionally, the bout records on The Locker will be used to create an effective and secure matchmaking system that will be an exclusive benefit for EB members in June 2025 when it is launched.