Coronavirus update: latest government lockdown forces club closures

January 4, 2021 | by Matt Halfpenny


All indoor leisure facilities in England – including boxing clubs and gyms – must close with immediate effect as part of the latest government lockdown in a bid to halt the rising number of Coronavirus cases, the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has confirmed.

Outdoor exercise is still permitted either with members of your own household or socially distanced with one other person, but use of outdoor gyms must cease.

For the avoidance of doubt, no outdoor group activities are allowed, nor is any pad work or sparring, unless it is with a member of your own household. Social distancing of 2m must be maintained at all times for any one-to-one coaching.

Outside of the home, exercise should be taken only once per day and you should not travel outside of your local area.

England Boxing will update when any further details become available. The official government guidance can be read here.

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