Women’s Coach Development Programme: Emma Loch (Eastbourne Boxing Club)

August 26, 2023 | by Chris Boyd


Eastbourne Boxing Club’s Emma Loch is one coach on the third cohort of the Women’s Coach Development Programme, and she hopes her involvement will help develop her ‘coach’s eye’ for in-ring tactical awareness and decision-making.

How did you first get involved in boxing?

I had always been involved in team sports such as football and rugby and I was on a summer break and wanted to try something new. Eastbourne Boxing Club (EBC) had just opened down the road from me, so I thought why not? I went down and fell in love with the place – that was in 2014 and I’ve been in nearly every week since.

How pleased are you to be involved in a programme that is actively bidding to push women’s and girls’ boxing forward?

I feel so honoured to be learning and growing around such great coaches and people. I have already taken away so much more than expected and I’ve received effective feedback that I’m putting into practice. I now have a responsibility to share the knowledge and insights I have learned inside and outside of the club and follow in the footsteps of our mentors.

What do you hope to get out of the WCDP that can improve you as a coach?

I have already gained so much more confidence in myself. My main focus is to develop my knowledge of adapting tactically when boxers are in the ring, so I’ll work on developing my ‘coach’s eye’ to quickly assess and support my boxer in making the right decision to gain the advantage.

I also felt that padding was a weakness, but since the ‘Padding with Purpose’ session has come on so much… it makes me think, ‘Why are we doing this, What do we want to get out of this’ etc. when I’m working with a boxer.

How much will attending the WCDP help you in your club environment?

Massively. I am very lucky to be surrounded by such experienced coaches at EBC, that are focused on the development of the coaches as well as the boxers. We regularly talk about what I’ve learned and how we can bring that into the club.

The coaching team regularly switches roles from taking the floor and sparring so we can all try out new learnings, steal each other’s golden nuggets and question each other on the purpose of what we’re doing.

Having many different coaches closely working with boxers helps them to be adaptive too – the more knowledge, the better the experience for our boxers.

Who are your biggest boxing inspirations?

Amanda Coulson is a big inspiration. I remember being on one of the Box Gathering sessions with her during lockdown and then listening to the podcast session with her and I was just in awe of how much she has achieved as a woman in boxing and in coaching. I see her as one of the pioneers that has helped shape the way for us to be doing what we’re doing today.

I’d also say my team at EBC: Adam Haniver, Paul Senior, Paul Hipperson and Marcus Boden. Without those guys, I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing and having such an amazing time doing it! Together we always push each other to think differently and get out of our comfort zone… thanks chaps!