Outdoor gyms in public parks – a usage guide
June 30, 2020 | by Matt Halfpenny
Following the publication by the government of more detailed information and advice regarding what can take place from Saturday 4th July, England Boxing has released this update regarding the usage of outdoor gyms found in public parks.
Please be assured we continue to push for the opening of indoor gyms.
From 4th July, outdoor gyms found in public parks can be used provided the following is adhered to:
- Outside-of-the-household or household social bubble groups should not be more than six people.
- So that Clubs and members are aware, groups are limited to six in order to prevent larger and wider chains of transmission. Therefore, you can’t have multiple groups of six unless there is significant distance between them and they do not mix or share equipment.
- Even within the group of six, equipment should be thoroughly cleaned between each individual use, alongside following the governments personal hygiene advice.
- It is important that hygiene guidelines in terms of washing hands and avoiding touching face before after use and that the equipment is wiped down using antibacterial spray before and after use. As previously advised, this also applies to gym equipment brought outside from a Club e.g. kettle bells, skipping ropes etc.
- Social distancing of two metres must be maintained.
- Pad work, sparring and competitive boxing is still not permitted.
All other requirements, including safeguarding and safety considerations, as detailed on the update of 23 June, remain in place.
As stated, please be assured we continue to push for the easing of restrictions and reopening of the Clubs.
In the meantime, if there are any further queries then please email enquiries@englandboxing.org