England secure overall victory over Wales

August 24, 2019 | by Matt Halfpenny


A fantastic weekend of boxing saw England secure an overall 17-10 victory in their keenly-contested duel with Wales at Sophia Gardens, Cardiff.

A total of 16 boxers on the talent pathway – some making their international debuts –  gained valuable experience with either one or two bouts as the visitors won the first day 9-6 and the second 8-4.

Friday saw 15 bouts, all of which were extremely competitive, while Saturday saw the team avenge some close loses from day one, with some much-improved performances that was reflected in the greater ratio of wins.

Development Coach Amanda Coulson said: “The overall experience of being away from home, working with new coaches, making weight, being part of Team England and competing back to back over the two days has been a fantastic opportunity for these budding boxers.

“Their behaviour in and out the ring has been great and all parents, clubs and regions can be very proud of this.

“A big thank you needs paying to two clubs in particular – Berinsfield Boxing Club and Wildcard ABC – who helped out with transport of minibuses to accomplish the journeys from both the north and south for our team, which was part of the team’s success.”

Full results

Day one: Wales won 6, England won 9

38kg School        Joe Williams                       v Quie Coleman – won unan

40kg School        Mikey O’Sullivan               v Luke Rodda – won split

38.5kg School    Corey Jones                        v David Adams – lost split

41kg Junior         Harvey Williams                v Edward Smith – lost split

47kg Junior         Kieron James                     v Alfie Hedges – won split

49kg Junior         John Murphy                     v Ellis Clifton – lost unan

49kg Junior         Scott Richards                    v Alby Hill – won split

50kg Junior         Harry Williams                   v Shaun Huddart – lost split

51kg Junior         Kieran Bevan                     v Nelson Birchall – lost split

53kg Junior         Junior Griffiths                  v Jack McLoughlin – won split

58kg Junior         Ben Wetter                         v Andra Manning – lost split

61kg Junior         Paddy Murphy                  v Pa Doherty – won split

67kg Junior         Jayden Torrance               v Mark Benham – won split

58kg Youth         Chloe Morris                      v Shassen Dutton – won unan

61kg Youth         Scott Jones                         v Jay Turner – won split


Day two: Wales won 4, England won 8

40kg School        Mikey O’Sullivan               v Luke Rodda – won split

38kg Junior         Saad Abdullah                    v David Adams – lost split

41kg Junior         Harvey Williams                v Edward Smith – lost split

47kg Junior         Kieron James                     v Alfie Hedges – won split

49kg Junior         John Murphy                     v Alby Hill  – lost split

50kg Junior         Harry Williams                   v Shaun Huddart – won split

51kg Junior         Kieran Bevan                     v Mohammed Ali – won unan

53kg Junior         Junior Griffiths                  v Nelson Birchall – won split

58kg Junior         Ben Wetter                         v Andra Manning – won split

67kg Junior         Jayden Torrance               v Mark Benham – won split

58kg Youth         Chloe Morris                      v Shassen Dutton – won unan

61kg Youth         Scott Jones                         v Jay Turner – lost unan