News Articles

England Boxing Wellbeing Monthly: Creativity and Wellbeing

November's Wellbeing Monthly and Box In Mind course is centred around creativity and links to wellbeing. You can book your place by clicking here.

Wellbeing Wednesdays week 23 – What has kept you going this year?

This last year has forced people around the world to change how they live their lives. What has kept us going?

Wellbeing Wednesdays week 22 – Managing feelings about lockdown easing

How to deal with all that is going to come out of lockdown easing.

Wellbeing Wednesdays week 21 – 7 Rapid Steps to a Total Life Reboot

As we take the first steps out of lockdown we face a new challenge to create our new post-lockdown lives. Here are a few ideas for approaching the challenge with a champion’s mindset.