England Boxing Event Permits
July 5, 2019 | by Chris Boyd
England Boxing has reviewed and amended the Event Permit form, which is to be used for all boxing events.
The review has come about after feedback from the membership when some lost significant amounts of money at an independent tournament and following other incidents in recent months. Following legal advice it is important to ensure that those putting on shows, do so in a way that is safe not only for boxers, coaches, officials and members of the public also themselves. This is both from an operations and regulations perspective.
Therefore building on what was already in existence we have made the following amendments to the Permit Regulations. This also reflects good practice in other sports / events.
The key improvements are as follows;
- Only a club and individual member can now apply for a permit. This builds on what happens in some of the regions already, and insures accountability and frankly that a club will put in a better level of care /commitment to ensure its done properly, rather than potentially flyby night promoters. This rule does not prevent promoters putting on event, but they must have agreement with a Club or do it directly through England Boxing where we will take responsibility for the provisions and standards. Regions can still issue a permit to themselves but would naturally need to follow the same process.
- The second key area is ensuring the venue is licenced, safe and fit for purpose to hold an Amateur Boxing event. As it currently stands it’s unclear that when a Region issues a permit on England Boxing’s behalf, who is ensuring that the venue and provisions are suitable. By doing it this way, it clearly states the Club and nominee need to ensure that appropriate regulations and checks are made with the venue. For the large part this already happens but it clarifies the issue.
- Lastly it ensures that appropriate safety, security and medical provisions are in place for the event to go ahead, thus again protecting the membership and the Club putting on the event.
England Boxing trust you will agree it builds on what has previously been in place and on lessons that have been learnt from events over the past couple of years, this will offer greater protection of our members and volunteers.
The permit system is in place with immediate effect and supersedes any permit rules/instructions which are in circulation.
To view the full permit regulations and access the form please click here.
Should you have any queries please email enquiries@englandboxing.org