Coaches pick up tips on improving inclusivity
November 16, 2019 | by Matt Halfpenny
Workshops to help coaches make their clubs more inclusive have been staged in Liverpool and Birmingham – with a third to follow in London early in 2020.
Run by International Mixed Ability Sports (IMAS) and Unorthobox in partnership with England Boxing, the three-hour sessions covered a variety of topics and featured both theoretical and practical elements.
The mixed ability model aims to promote social inclusion through sport, education and advocacy, with the practical element, mixed ability sport, integrating participants regardless of dis/ ability into a mainstream sport setting in their local community, taking part in non-adapted sports.
It emphasises the importance of regular, frequent and sustainable provision, self-determination, club membership and opportunities for social interaction for all.
The Liverpool session was held at Rotunda ABC and the Birmingham session at the Pat Benson Boxing Academy, with more than 30 attendees.
“These workshops are an incredible opportunity promote the mixed ability vision and grow a more diverse participation in boxing,” said Martino Corazza, IMAS Director.
“We do that by supporting those coaches and gyms who are already doing a fantastic job and by creating a network of like-minded people who have inclusion at heart.”
Sarah-Jane Murray, of Unorthobox, who delivered the practical elements of the workshops, is delighted more and more England Boxing clubs are keen to make themselves more inclusive.
She added: “These workshops help give boxing coaches the confidence to include participants of all abilities within their existing sessions, ensuring our wonderful sport is available to everyone who wishes to train.
“As well as the discussions and practical elements, there was also an opportunity to ask questions which related specifically to each individual club.”
The third session will take place on 25th January at London Community Boxing, London, SE15 4RF) between 2pm and 5pm.
You can secure your place at £10 per head by clicking here.
Feedback from the workshops
“The workshop was very good and professional, it went straight to the point, explaining how to include everyone in our sessions.”
“I got some excellent ideas and information, with a good balance of practical demos and discussions.”
“The most valuable information was about how to try different ways to work around everyone’s ability and making sure everyone is included.”