Tag Archive for: CRM

The Locker Digital E-Passes Explained

All members in all roles will receive a white membership e-pass,…

Further FAQ’s (The Locker)

After The Locker announcement, England Boxing encouraged its…

Tag Archive for: CRM

England Boxing are Redefining Membership Management with The Locker

Due to its user-friendly nature and modern interface, The Locker has proven to be a game-changer in the world of amateur boxing with over 500 clubs and 8000+ members having signed up already.

England Boxing Introduces Early Access to ‘The Locker’

Exciting developments are underway at England Boxing as we roll out our brand new system, The Locker. Over the next few days, our members will receive login instructions, granting them early access to this cutting-edge platform.

Membership Announcement

As we draw closer to Go Live of The Locker (June 1st), there are a few important dates and bits of information we would like to make our members aware of...

Message to members from Chair of England Boxing

A statement to the membership of England Boxing regarding 'The Locker'.

England Boxing Introduces ‘The Locker’ and its Key Features 

We are thrilled to announce the official name of our new platform: 'The Locker'. It will serve as a central hub for the community and offer numerous advantages to our membership.