£2.33m secured by more than 350 affiliated boxing clubs
May 8, 2020 | by Matt Halfpenny
A total of £2,339,532 has been secured by more than 350 England Boxing clubs to help them deal with the shortfall in income created by the Coronavirus lockdown, latest England Boxing figures show.
It means clubs who feared the worst after being denied regular income from subs, membership and shows will now be able to offset those costs by carefully planning how to use the grant income received until they are permitted to open again.
The money allocated so far has come from the central government’s Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund and Small Business Grants Fund (£1,385,000), the Sport England Community Emergency Fund (£732,600), the England Boxing #KOCOVID19 appeal (£121,386) and other funding streams (£100,546).
“We continue to be pleased to see that clubs’ applications are, by and large, being well-received by those who are making the decisions on the distribution of the various funding pots,” said Head of Community Development, Ron Tulley.
“What they recognise is the huge importance of boxing clubs as hubs of their respective communities, frequently in some of the most deprived areas of the country, and that it would be bad news if they closed for good as a result of the Coronavirus.”
“As we have said previously, we would actively encourage all clubs who need help to apply if they haven’t done so yet because, in the vast majority of cases you, will have a very strong case.”
If your club has not applied for financial support, but needs help, please go to England Boxing’s ‘Summary of financial assistance for clubs’ page, where you can find out what help is available.
Alternatively, you can contact the CSO relevant to your region here.