Tuesday 11th September 2018 at 7.30pm

Venue: Steve Walshaw’s Canal Duke, Stour Road, Tyldesley, Manchester M297PX.



Attendees: S. Walshaw, H. Herbert, S. Brady, W. Heywood, P. Richardson, C. Hayes.


Apologies: A Finch, I. Harrison


Introduction of new members:



  1. Ratification of new roles and constitution. Brief discussion and introduction to the new Compliance Officer Wayne Heywood the compliance officer acknowledged existing protocol with regards complaints and grievances and recognised he would have a role to play in the vetting of all new applications to become member clubs. The new constitution was signed by all members present.
  2. Secretary’s Correspondence: (a) e-mail from M. Budden invitation for Female grade B officials to attend the The Female Box Cup being held in Manchester 8th and 9th December (sent to Adjudicator A. Finch) he commented that we had 3 officials in that category; K. MacKinnon, D. Day, and D. Shaw. (b2 Applications for change of name and premises.1 Blackpool Fightworks changed name to BR Fightworks change of premises to 75 Talbot Road, Blackpool. Club inspected report from HH included. Approved.2 Stockport College changed name to Bowden All Power Boxing, changed premises to 1st Floor Hallam Mill, Stockport. Club inspected report from HH included. Approved. (c2 applications for new club membership; 1. Outta School ABC Constitution received a copy given to Compliance Officer awaiting inspection report. 2. Watson’s Boxing Gym Ulverston Constitution e-mailed to A. Finch replied to withhold inspection this club has been involved in white collar. Discussion ensued with regards protocol for affiliation it was reiterated that being involved in white collar is not against the rules for non-members however a waiver or signed declaration not to take part in future other combat sports is a must before any affiliation can be accepted. HH to contact the applicant and report back.
  3. Championships HH reported a successful weigh in and draw approx. figures 2 box offs, 16 quarter-finals 26 semi-finals and 26 finals. It was agreed that they would all be 1 ring events and all held on the Sunday at Tameside Elite Gym apart from the 2 box offs which have been allocated to the Jimmy Egans show the Friday before the quarter finals. HH to liase with the adjudicator to co-ordinate officials appointments.
  4. Registrar Feedback the Registrar brought no figures to the meeting but will bring a report in to the next meeting.
  5. Treasurer Feedback: The treasurer brought a written report of the region’s finances and after discussions it was agreed our position was much stronger than it was this time last year. Economies that were taken in the championships has helped a lot to get to this position. The Sponsorship from Littleborough ABC for the Schools National quarter finals and the Door stewardship by Carla Wallace of Chadderton ABC has been a major factor in our recovery. The committee gave a vote of thanks to the Treasurer for his invigorating report.
  6. Regional Coach Report: (Written) Read and no comments.



A.O.B. A member of the executive updated the committee about a safeguarding issue that happened outside the club 8 months ago involving 2 of the members of his club. No individual has been charged the investigation by EB is ongoing.


Meeting closed 8.50pm


Next meeting 7.30pm 2nd October



Tuesday 2nd October 2018 at 7.30pm

Venue: Steve Walshaw’s Canal Duke, Stour Road, Tyldesley, Manchester M297PX.



Attendees: S. Walshaw, H. Herbert, S. Brady, W. Heywood, P. Richardson, I. Harrison.


Apologies: A Finch, C. Hayes


Introduction of new members: The Regional Coach attended his first meeting



  1. Minutes of 11th September: minutes accepted as a true and accurate record. HH will publish them on the website in due course. Matters arising Inspections to take place now all paperwork received :Watson’s Fitness in Ulverston HH to inspect. Outta Skhool Boxing in Oldham WH and HH to inspect.


  1. Secretary’s Correspondence: New club applications Accrington Lions SW to inspect. Correspondence from a club in the Isle of Man HH to report back with constitution.


  1. Supervisor’s Reports: Development finals issue with ring boxers slipping through ropes. Action: Ring to have a refurb SB to arrange.
  2. Championships: All the North West Development Champions have been posted on the website good luck to all our Champions in the future rounds.NABGC championships weigh in planned for the 13th October not heard from Andy Hamil yet so I have sent out the forms from EB website. The final is scheduled for the 4th November and as always we will work backwards The previous Sunday being the Semis and the one before that the quarters.  Some discussion regarding the championships and its location ensued HH reminded members of rule 18 regarding the Championships “ The Secretary has the powers to run the Championships in the manner  that they choose using the available Association resources” The policy that was put in place last season but was curtailed by the gentleman’s agreement to use the 147 club for the championships has gone into full gear now and we will be using Tameside Elite Gym for all rounds of the Championships unless there are alternative venues that offer us their venues free and have an acceptable ring.

The secretary of course will take note of certain suggestions and where practical and possible put them in to use. However complaints are not suggestions and moving the Final to a different venue has already been tried by this Executive and it wasn’t practical and the added expense wasn’t reasonable either it was also mentioned that using the same venue for every round including the final has always been done for at least the last 10 years barring the previous two seasons. If there is another venue where we don’t have to hire a ring and pay for the venue we will consider it. Several of the executive volunteered their services to provide help in sorting out Certificates for our Regional Champions. The Secretary suggested a championship sub-committee who he could liaise with before and during Championships.

Actions: Secretary to form a championship sub-committee and look into alternative venues with the agreed criteria.    

  1. Registrar Feedback HH informed the committee that up to the end of September 94 clubs and 1154 members had been processed
  2. Treasurer Feedback: The treasurer brought a written report of the region’s finances and the bank balance was favorable.
  3. Regional Coach Report: IH spoke about the difficulty in arranging squads during championships. The region will be the Esker cup in the middle of the month. He has been matching for the Regions Elite Belt show for later this month at the AJ Bell which will now be rearranged to late November at the Ashton Masonic Hall. Congratulations were given to all the NW Region Development Champions.
  4. Adjudicators Report: AF at work he notified the secretary that all the Championship appointments had been made. No problems
  5. Appointments: The October appointments have all been posted on the website.



Meeting closed 8.50pm


Next meeting 7.30pm 6th November




Tuesday 6th November 2018 at 7.30pm

Venue: Steve Walshaw’s Canal Duke, Stour Road, Tyldesley, Manchester M297PX.





Apologies: A. FINCH

  1. Minutes from 2nd October 2018: The Secretary had omitted an application from a club in Burnley at the last meeting 5 Ways Boxing Club in Burnley inspection to be arranged before next meeting. Matters arising: Some discussion about what was agreed and not agreed on Championship Venues. WHreminded everyone that the issue about the ring at Tameside was resolved and the issue on certificates was also sorted. HH informed IH that his report was submitted however his proposals weren’t submitted correctly as the business of the Championships is continual and must remain flexible and should be dealt with by the relevant sub-committee subject to Domestic Rule 18. Minutes accepted as a true and accurate record
  2. Secretary’s Correspondence: Another club from the Isle of Man has sent in an application with a constitution. Making it 2 gyms to be inspected. ActionsHH to arrange with Officials that are officiating on the Manx show later this month.
  3. Supervisor Reports:  None  
  4. Championships: Class D finals of the NABGC to be held at Gorton Monastery at the end of this month. 43 Regional Champions posted on the website and submitted to Paul King for the next round of the NABGC championships. A very successful championship for the region with some quality boxers going forward to compete against the other Regional champions.

On the issue of reducing costs it was suggested that the Secretary contacts the St. Johns Ambulance organisation with a view to discussing paramedic cover for our championships. Actions HH to contact St Johns Ambulance


  1. Level 2 Coaching Course: The level 2 course will conclude this weekend nine participants involved.
  2. Appointments: The appointment secretary has sent in his appointments for November they have been posted on the Website
  3. Adjudicator’s feedback: The adjudicator has reported that all rounds of the NABGC will be covered he just needs to know whether there will be 2 rings or 1. Actions: HH to liaise on this issue
  4. Registrar feedback: The registrar reported that 100 clubs were registered at the end of October and 1478 members had been signed up and paid. This is without doubt the busiest season for clubs and members for at least 7 years with new clubs queueing up to be inspected and registered.
  5. Treasurer Feedback: The championships once again made a good surplus and the Region is heading in a good direction financially. It was noted and the committee acknowledged that one of the key elements to all this financial improvement has been the use of the treasurer’s club facilities at Stalybridge.
  6. Regional Coaching Reports: The regional coach submitted a written report which was discussed he mentioned the championship has made the availability of squad opportunities difficult but he is making progress and has had some good feedback. The Eccles gym will offer the opportunity to have 2 sessions and this will be a good thing going forward. He also explained that the Ricky Hatton facility is still available and will be used. (full report will be published on website)
  7. A.O.B. WH suggested that the minimum fee for officials should be £20. The concept was discussed and agreed. The Championships would be no problem but the practicality of making it happen on club shows would have to be discussed further; with the appointments secretary having a big input (maybe an inclusive permit fee may cover it).

The President proposed a Christmas dinner for refreshments at the next meeting in December. All agreed.


Meeting Closed 8.45pm Next meeting 8th January




Tuesday 8th January 2019 at 7.30pm

Venue: Steve Walshaw’s Canal Duke, Stour Road, Tyldesley, Manchester M297PX.



Attendees: S. Walshaw, H. Herbert, S. Brady, A. Finch, I. Harrison, P. Richardson, C. Hayes,

W. Heywood.


Apologies: NONE

  1. Minutes from 6th November 2018 (NO MEETING IN DECEMBER): accepted as a true and accurate record. Proposed WH Seconded IH
  2. Secretary’s Correspondence:  None due to Christmas period
  3. New Club inspections affiliations: New Horizon Horizon Isle of Man inspection report Wayne Heywood club accepted. Kirkham and Heysham inspection report              Henry Herbert. The other Isle of Man club was not ready for inspection. The Secretary informed the committee of 3 more clubs who had enquired about affiliation Nigel Wilkes club (Zestus ABA) BTK Boxing Academy and Holmes Chapel Boxing Club (Ste Brady aware of this club they have asked to borrow his ring Ste to inspect and report back at next meeting.
  4. Supervisor Reports:  None
  5. Championships: HH reported Youth entries low no need for a box off show or a quarter final show we can put the 3 bouts on a club show. Semi-final 9 bouts final 11 bouts. Still waiting for Junior Entry forms. HH  had an enquiry from Barton ABC to stage the Schools Finals on the 2nd March no fee for venue no fee for ring. HH visited the premises which most of us have seen but would like a couple of the committee to visit with him again to confirm acceptable.
  6. Appointments: AF reported 17 shows booked for February 9 officials put forward for grade A Mick Budden will come down to Altrincham to pass out.
  7. Adjudicator’s feedback: Discussed the minimum £20 officials fee went through the pros and cons everyone in agreement to the principle but the putting into practice was difficult a weaning in period was suggested with a recommendation for it to happen it was also agreed that the NW championships will administer the new minimum fee going forward. HH to try and fit it in to the Permits.
  8. Registrar feedback: HH reported that 70 members registered in December and 182 in November 3 clubs in December and 4 in November
  9. Treasurer Feedback: Technical problems with printer no report SB to email
  10. Regional Coaching Reports: IH submitted written report not much for December looking good for January Hatton Gym and Eccles Gym facilitating the squads for the foreseeable future matches with other regions planned.
  11. A.O.B. Some discussion about the failing health of our LVP’s and whether any contact has been made with Jimmy Sidebottom. Cards and gifts to be sent to all.

HH made reference to the Warrior Boxing Club and the fact that they were not registered for the season and any participation in white collar should be monitored and reported back to the committee.

Next Meeting 5th February 




Tuesday 5th February 2019 at 7.30pm

Venue: Steve Walshaw’s Canal Duke, Stour Road, Tyldesley, Manchester M297PX.



Attendees: S. Walshaw, H. Herbert, W. Heywood, S. Brady, P. Richardson, I. Harrison 


Apologies: A. Finch, C. Hayes

Minutes from last meeting 8th January: Read and accepted as a true and accurate record no actions   Proposed. WH seconded. IH


Secretary’s Correspondence: Change of name of Elite Championships to England Boxing National Amateur Championships E.B.N.A..C.


New Club inspections affiliations: report from inspection of Holmes Chapel Boxing Club recommendation to affiliate all agreed. Clubs to inspect; BTK,(Bilal Khan)SW & HH to inspect  Fight Factory,( Paulino de Silva) IH to inspect  Next Generation (Ryan Lawson) IH to inspect and Zurtes.(Nigel Wilkes) waiting for constitution on this one.SB to inspect.

Actions HH IH SB to report back at next meeting.


Supervisor Reports: None


Championships:  Barton to be inspected by 2 other committee members to confirm for Juniors Final. HH confirmed NW Region to host Junior Quarter Finals at the Littleborough Leisure Centre


Appointments: All February appointments on North West website

Adjudicator’s feedback: AF spoke to Secretary confirming all championship appointments covered. He will be feeding back on Upgrades at next meeting.


Registrar feedback: No figures HH will report next meeting Actions HH to report back next meeting.


Treasurer Feedback: Treasurer handed out report financial position getting healthier championships still returning a surplus of funds and region in position to spend more on development.


Regional Coaching Reports: IH briefed the committee from his written report. Looking for matches against Wales and Yorkshire Actions: IH to report back at next meeting



A.O.B. HH said the Impact gym was only a mile away from BTK Gordon Valentine had insisted on inspecting as soon as possible. Actions: HH and SW to inspect

Next Meeting 5th March




Tuesday 5th March 2019 at 7.30pm

Venue: Steve Walshaw’s Canal Duke, Stour Road, Tyldesley, Manchester M297PX.



Attendees: S. Walshaw, H. Herbert, C. Hayes, A. Finch, I. Harrison, W. Heywood, S. Brady,

P. Richardson.


Apologies: None


  1. Minutes from  5th February 2019 accepted as a true and accurate record proposed WH seconded IH
  2. Secretary’s Correspondence: Letter from National compliance officer stating that club and regional welfare officers should be aware that weigh-ins are a child protection issue with regards safe weight loss. Guidelines should be followed. Any known issues should be reported to Steve Brady or direct to Gordon Valentine. The committee noted Gordons remarks.
  3. New Club inspections affiliations Zestus (S. Brady) reported club accepted. NxtGen(Ian Harrison) reported club accepted. 2 more to be inspected Ian Harrison to inspect the Fight Factory and report back Henry Herbert to inspect JP’s boxing and report back.
  4. Supervisor Reports: Coastal show was reported for several breaches no problem with venue letter to Frank Harrington to be sent as a Final Warning. The Vasa club was used as a last minute change it was originally permitted to be staged at the 147 club for Collyhurst and Moston. This venue has been banned as an acceptable venue for amateur boxing shows it is too small to hold the amount of supporters required to make the event financially viable. The secretary to correspond with the Club secretary and the owner of the venue.
  5. Championships: HH reported a successful finale to the NW Region Junior Championships held at the Barton ABC good feedback so far no issues 19 cadets and 24 juniors through to the next round NWR to host at Littleborough Leisure Centre. 2 rings will be required. The weigh in and draw for the Elites/Seniors/National Amateur Champions will take place this Saturday the semis will be at Tameside on the 24th and the Finals as agreed will be at the Ashton Masonic Hall like last season could only book Saturday 30th it was already booked for Friday. Will try to get some Youth Belts on the same show. The entry forms are out and we can only speculate on numbers provisionally we will plan the quarter finals at Tameside on the 17th.
  6. Appointments: A.F. reported on the appointments list for April and May the March appointments had some amendments. HH had posted them on the website. He commented on clubs asking for their
  7. Adjudicators feedback: AF reminded the committee he was away in Russia after tomorrow he gave verbal reports on who had been appointed for the championships to come this month and said that Tony was aware and would be sending out the appointments.5 new officials had passed through. The upgrading will go ahead this month.AF to feed back next meeting.
  8. Registrar feedback: HH reported 11 coaches, 118 boxers, 2 officials and 1 volunteer approved in February
  9. Treasurer Feedback: SB reported technical problems with printer brought previous statement and gave a verbal update still in a good position 20,000 surplus in account ingoing and outgoing transcriptions to consider. Feedback at next meeting.
  10. Regional Coaching Reports: IH gave a verbal report of the report he had emailed to all colleagues is planning regional squad competitions and will report back next meeting.
  11. A.O.B. WH reported 2 rings he had observed that looked smaller than the required minimum Team Greaves and Roy Richardson’s Boxing Academy. Action: The Secretary said he would speak to Team Greaves before their upcoming show to remind them of the minimum requirements. PR said she would speak to the supplier and ensure the correct size ring is used in future. The permit already stipulates the minimum size of the ring Supervisors and clubs to be made aware of their obligations to the welfare of the boxers. PR reminded people that photographers should get permission from parents. AF requested that flowers be sent to Glynis for supplying the committee with refreshments and support.

Meeting closed 9.05

  next meeting 2nd April

Click on Minutes continued




Tuesday 2nd April 2019 at 7.30pm

Venue: Steve Walshaw’s Canal Duke, Stour Road, Tyldesley, Manchester M297PX.


Attendance Henry Herbert, Pat Richardson, Steve Tallo Bradt, Steve Walshaw,

Wayne Heywood, Colin Hayes, Ian Harrison.

Apologies Alvin Finch



  1. Minutes from 5th March: Accepted as a true and accurate record. Proposed SB seconded PR
  2. Matters arising: Item 11 WH observations of wrong ring sizes some discussion on how the clubs observed had been spoken to and reminded about the ring size minimum requirements and the risks of having the show cancelled if the requirements were not met. If the show is conducted with the wrong size ring the insurance cover is invalidated. HH had also spoken to the supplier of one of the rings. The permits also clearly state what is required. Some discussion on whom and how permits are issued HH reminded the committee that permits need to be validated by the Region Secretary and HH will attempt to issue these by email to the Supervisor and the clubs who have requested a permit.
  3. Secretary’s Correspondence: HH issued to members a briefing of a club membership policy to be reviewed by the Board and introduced by the 1st June. HH drew special attention to issues in the policy that we have been contesting as a region for some time now one in particular the 1 mile rule which EB has contested in the past will be included and excepted in the new policy. HH stated that he has also contested the inclusion of a policy that all clubs should have a defibrillator on their premises. ActionsHH to report back at next meeting.
  4. New Club Inspections/affiliationsIH inspection of new gym Fight Factory report discussed. Passed HH inspection of new gym JP’S ABC report discussed Passed.
  5. Supervisors Reports: No reports received.
  6. Championships: Good feedback with regards Barton ABC venue however issues on booking make it a problem and again there were some costs involved. Some discussion took place with regards the Regional Finals at the Ashton Masonic Hall on the previous Friday night some valid points were raised on how to improve what should be our prestigious event of the season. HH pulled it all together by concluding; that notwithstanding earlier comments and healthy debate on how we may take the National Amateur Championships forward the Championship panel will have to sit earlier next season and discuss all aspects of what has been discussed and come back in good time with realistic recommendations for the committee to approve. Entry forms have been sent out for the Schools Championships they are scheduled for every Weekend from the 13th April up to the Final on the 28th April the venue will be Tameside Elite as and when needed. Please note we host the pre-quarter-finals this year against Merseyside& Cheshire on the 5th May. We have been offered some financial assistance for the pre-quarters more details to follow.  Actions: Panel to sit in December to prepare for National Amateur Championships.
  7. Appointments: The appointments for May were forwarded to HH they have been posted on the northwest counties aba website.
  8. Adjudicators feedback: none
  9. Registrar feedback: Members registered in March boxers 65 coach/boxer 1 coaches 13 Clubs 4
  10. Treasurer Feedback: Treasurer gave report some discussion all agreed financial position still healthy.
  11. Regional Coach Report: Coach had sent copies of report to committee by email IH summarised and answered questions.


A.O.B. IH and selected 10 girls and 2 coaches for the Aspire Day at Sheffield


Meeting closed at 8.55

Next meeting 14th May 7.30 Canal Duke.




Tuesday 14th May 2019 at 7.30pm

Venue: Steve Walshaw’s Canal Duke, Stour Road, Tyldesley, Manchester M297PX.





  1. Minutes from 2nd April: accepted as a true and accurate record proposed I.H. Seconded W.H.
  2. Matters arising: None
  3. Secretary’s Correspondence: The Secretary opened discussion on the latest England Boxing correspondence that would impact directly on the Region. The June 1st Club Membership policy (discussed at last meeting)   had been amended with regards the defibrillator (a 2 year adoption clause had been added).He also reminded the executive that the 1 mile proximity rule would be included. Also correspondence about the Glove sizes for Male Youths over 64kg.(12oz as per Male  Senior boxers). Show permits amendments will include a clearer legal obligation on clubs and individual members who are running shows with regard health & safety and public liability requirements. The Secretary has forwarded the correspondence on Permits to the appointment Secretary.
  4. AGM: Discussion on annual reports to be submitted to the Secretary on time so they can be published and stored electronically. Date and venue discussed and agreed Saturday 12 noon 6th July at the Canal Duke A pre-meeting for the executive will take place prior to the AGM at 11am.
  5. Supervisors Reports: None some discussion about Coastal show HH will speak to Dave Bell about it
  6. Championships:  The reduction of fights was a kick in the teeth and probably cost us about £500 income in the schools pre-quarters, again we were running round for officials on the day because we hadn’t been informed of absentees and whoever had been informed did nothing about it. This has to be resolved for next season the adjudicator and his assistant have to have a close look at the system they are using and resolve this. It is not just one championship and it has been a joke at both of the events we have hosted and invited another Region. It has to be addressed.
  7. Appointments: All appointments have been put on the website.
  8. Adjudicators feedback: Alvin has reported that all officials for the schools semis and finals at Crawley will be at least AIBA 1star
  9. Registrar feedback: April boxers: 66 Coaches 14 clubs 1
  10. Treasurer Feedback: Treasurer reported that even though the pre-quarters at Littleborough ran at a deficit the other rounds had been ran with a surplus so overall thanks to the use of Tameside gym, the bank balance is still rising and we have spent a lot more this season on vests badges and certificates to all our champions.
  11. Regional Coach Report: IH summarised his monthly report and updated committee on progress with having regional tournaments against other regions.


A.O.B. None


Meeting closed 8.45pm


 Tuesday 4th June 2019 at 7.30pm

Venue: Steve Walshaw’s Canal Duke, Stour Road, Tyldesley, Manchester M297PX.



Attendance : S. Walshaw, H. Herbert, I. Harrison, C. Hayes, P. Richardson, S. Brady.

Apologies: W. Heywood, A. Finch.



  1. Minutes from 14th May: Accepted as a true and accurate record Proposed C. H. seconded I.H.
  2. Matters Arising: H. referred to item 5 Supervisor Reports; Secretary reported that no feedback from Supervisor re the show mentioned in previous minutes he will chase up. Some discussion took place about changing facilities on the Salford City show and weigh in procedure. Also a comment about the crowd encroachment at the Irish Centre. H.H. reminded the committee that these issues should be addressed on the night with the show supervisor, that way the committee can receive the complaints in the proper manner. The permits clearly state that clubs are responsible for providing 6 stewards who should report to the supervisor before the show starts this is there to protect officials and to ensure that encroachment is controlled. The clubs and supervisors should in the interests of safety adhere to this rule or provide barriers human or otherwise. Action: Secretary to send letter out to Supervisors to advise them not to act as Matchmaker on the show they are appointed as Supervisor.  
  3. Secretary’s Correspondence: HH received appointments for June from Appointments Secretary and has posted on NW website.
  4. AGM: Discussions about roles and times. Venue confirmed. A reminder to all officers to make sure their reports are sent to the Secretary in time to publish and print.
  5. Committee Nominations: All executive members who are up for election expressed a wish to continue their roles.
  6. Committee constitutional changes: No proposals.


A.O.B. SB discussed details of minibus insurance and cost could be met by funds all agreed it was a good idea and a positive asset for clubs and the region. SB to report back.


Meeting closed 8.50pm Next meeting AGM 6th July





Saturday 6th August 2022 at 11.00am

Venue: Tameside Elite Gym, Wagstaff Street, Stalybridge, SK15 1SY


Attendance; Y.Hussain, J Brennan, S Brady, P Richardson, D Shaw, T Campion,

W Haywood, B Watkinson.


Apologies; A. Finch, C Anderson, H Hedley, A Jay.


Meeting opened by YH 11.05am


Last meeting minutes were accepted proposed by SB seconded by PR


Treasurer Report: SB produced a brief report on NWR finances. They were accepted proposed by WH seconded by PR.


A few changes to the constitution are required before all Executive Committee are happy to sign. JB will amend and produce new document at next meeting, before EGM will need to be called.


  1. Boxcup update.

JB informed the meeting that EB were looking into the events at the Glasgow Boxcup. Nothing further to report at this time.


The Development championship Finals will take place at Spiceball Leisure Centre,  Banbury  (SF & Final) 22nd-23rd Oct 22.

North West Region Finals will be 2nd Oct 22

NWR Prelims, QF & SF TBC after number of entries are known.


  1. Championship venues.

JB informed the meeting he has been approached by a number of clubs wanting the NWR Championship Finals for all competitions be at a different venue other than Tameside Elite Gym.

The majority voted that it should remain at Tameside Elite Gym for this current season and look at a venue for the Elite Championships when the dates are known.


  1. Grant for Female Squad.

DS & PR proposed that a sum of £1000.00 be granted to the NWR Female Squad to help with expenses for the Esker Boxcup.  Unanimously agreed.


  1. Video from Box-cup.

JB has been sent a video that has been circulating on Social Media implicating an official from NWR. An explanation from the said official of his actions was accepted by the majority of the committee. No further action required.


  1. Compliance & Welfare Officer.

CA proposed that the Compliance & Welfare Officer be a duel role. Disagreed Unanimously.


  1. AOB:



JB will confirm if EB are supplying gloves to be used at NWR Championships If not the Region will need to purchase new ones as they are getting close to being unusable.


Club Shows.

WH proposed that the Region should hold only 2 shows on the same evening. After speaking with Appointments Secretary this could be 3 depending on where the shows are located i.e Cumbria, Lancashire or Gt Manchester.

Each club will be allowed to hold 3 shows maximum in a season for 2022/23 and only 2 shows for 2023/24 season. Agreed unanimously.

Each show should be a maximum of 15 bouts (open show) &12 bouts (dinner show) this will include skills contests with max of 4 skills bouts per show. Agreed unanimously.

A show cancelation must be made with at least 7 days’ notice, failure to give the 7 days’ notice will result in club losing cost of permit. Agreed unanimously.

Any clubs with outstanding Permit fees from 2021/22 season will not be granted a Permit for the coming season.

This information to be included on permit application.


Meeting Closed by JB at 12.50pm

Next meeting TBC