New dates for Level 1 coaching refresher (online) announced next week
June 22, 2021 | by Matt Halfpenny
New dates for England Boxing’s Level 1 coaching refresher courses will be posted on the website from next Tuesday (29th June).
To keep their knowledge up to date and learn about boxer development, every Level 1-qualified coach should take the refresher every three years – or instead attempt to pass the Level 2 qualification.
In order to make Level 1 coaching refresher courses easier and less time-consuming to attend, they have now been moved online, rather than face-to-face.
The refresher is a great way to meet coaches from all over the country in order to reflect and share ideas and experiences, as well as learn more about future opportunities.
“We’re really looking forward to bringing back the Level 1 refresher courses, which will be a fantastic opportunity for coaches to reset their learning, especially if they have had an enforced break during the Covid-19 Pandemic,” said Holly Pearce, England Boxing’s Training Course Coordinator.
“It’s also a great chance for people to connect or reconnect with other coaches at a time when boxing is looking to get back up to full speed as restrictions gradually ease.”
All coaches whose Level 1 qualification has expired will have to complete a refresher or Level 2 course by May 2022 in order to be able to renew their accreditation lanyard.
You will be able to view and book Level 1 coaching refresher courses once available by clicking here.