Liverpool City Region Clubs latest update
October 13, 2020 | by Matt Halfpenny
Following the Government’s announcement that the Liverpool City Region has been put into the ‘very high’ Coronavirus alert level, and further clarifications from the Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS), it has been confirmed that so long as a club’s host facility remains open, or that it’s their own club venue, England Boxing Clubs within the Liverpool City Region can continue to provide training for under 18s.
This is provided they follow England Boxing Guidelines and ensure that there is no mixing of households (e.g. they must train / exercise individually, which is in the existing guidelines).
For the avoidance of doubt, pad work, sparring or competitive boxing is not permitted.
England Boxing is still awaiting clarification on what is permitted with regards to adults in the Liverpool City Region and will update as soon as possible.
Details of the restrictions and the specific areas affected by this can be found by clicking here.
Any additional changes or clarifications will be communicated directly with clubs and via the England Boxing website and social media platforms.
Please direct any queries to enquiries@englandboxing.org.