Check you are still qualified to be a Level One coach
January 10, 2020 | by Matt Halfpenny
England Boxing is appealing to more than 300 Level One coaches on its database to take action to ensure their qualification does not expire at the start of next season (2020-21).
As of 1st June, the start of the new season, ALL Level One coaches who passed their Level One course more than three years ago will need to have completed a one-day Level One refresher course before they can receive their accreditation lanyard.
Alternatively, a Level One coach can choose to take an England Boxing Level Two coaching qualification in order to upgrade their qualification status, providing they have been registered on the Vault for at least 12 months.
Importantly, this includes all Level One coaches who originally gained their qualification via a regional course, prior to courses being run directly by England Boxing in 2016.
This requirement does not, however, apply to coaches at Levels Two and Three.
Why are Level One refreshers needed?
“Coaching plays a key role within clubs and having coaches who are continually upskilling and getting better is essential,” said England Boxing’s Coaching Consultant, Chris Porter.
“The purpose of the Level 1 Coaching Refresher course is to provide the very latest in coach education, practice and development and ensures coaches stay at the top of their game, which will, in turn, benefit the boxers themselves.
“With athlete safety always paramount, refreshing coaching knowledge is common in many UK sports, and we consider the health and wellbeing of our boxers to be a number one priority.
“Every coach owes it to themselves to be best version of themselves and aiming to become better as a coach on a daily basis. As coaches, we ask our boxers to improve and set new goals, and coaches can play an important role model in this process by leading by example.”
What will I get out of it?
The England Level One refresher course has been developed to cover a number of key areas, including ‘Reasons to Coach’ (Values and Purpose), ‘Cornerstones of Quality Coaching’ and ‘What are you coaching and why?’
Other topics include ‘How are you coaching’, ‘Training Activity’ and Coaching Behaviours’, ‘Coaching at competitions’ and ‘Safety and Health and Well Being’.
“We have had very good feedback from the coaches that have taken part in a Level One refresher, including two of the coaches who have been in boxing for 40 years or more on one of the courses I led,” said Ken Waddington, an England Boxing Coach Education Tutor and also a regional coach for Yorkshire. “Although they were very experienced and well-respected coaches, they really enjoyed it and said it was good to brush up on their skill set.
“It’s not a matter of trying to teach anyone how to throw a punch or defend against a punch, it’s about bringing coaches up to date with how coach education has moved forward over the years, especially the last 10 years or so.
“Throughout the day, the coaches share their knowledge, different ideas and experiences to keep on learning, while all receive the England Boxing Level One coaching handbook, which everyone seems to agree is very informative.”
How to book
If you need to take a Level One refresher, courses are regularly laid on in England Boxing regions across the country.
To book, go to www.englandboxing.org/courses/level-1-coaching-refresher-courses/.
Courses cost £50 each and you will receive an England Boxing Level One handbook as part of that cost.
What to check – and any questions
To apply, coaches must first ensure:
- They are registered as a member of an England Boxing-affiliated club and holds a Level One coaching lanyard.
- They have an in-date Safeguarding and First Aid certificate that is recorded on the England Boxing Vault.
- They have a valid DBS certificate that is recorded on the England Boxing National Database and is on the England Boxing Vault.
All questions regarding Level One refreshers can be sent to administration@englandboxing.org