LFHV campaign launches new coaching toolkit

May 11, 2018 | by Gemma Field


Love Fighting Hate Violence (LFHV) is a campaign aiming to raise awareness of the important moral difference between sport-based combat, and violence.

As part of this project we have designed a coaching toolkit to help coaches in boxing (as well as other combat sports) to teach anti-violence values to young people.  We will soon be launching the toolkit at a one-day workshop event for coaches to be held at Nottingham Trent University on the 15th June 2018.  England Boxing affiliated coaches are welcome to attend.

As well as introducing the practical, anti-violence coaching model we’ve developed, the event will include talks on trauma recovery programs in boxing, life-changing coaching with young people, and various research-informed discussions of how to look after competitive fighters when it comes to concussions, weight cutting, and psychological support.

This workshop is free to attend; to book your place please email Dr Christopher Matthews on christopher.matthews@ntu.ac.uk.