England Boxing signs up to Sporting Equals Charter
February 9, 2021 | by Matt Halfpenny
England Boxing is pleased to announce that it has signed up to the Sporting Equals Charter as part of its ongoing commitment to improving diversity and equality.
Sporting Equals is a charity that exists to actively promote greater involvement in sport and activity for disadvantaged communities, particularly those from ethnically diverse backgrounds .
It also advises and support decision makers to be inclusive of all under-represented groups.
One immediate action that is to be taken following this new partnership is for England Boxing to follow recent advice regarding terminology and language used.
Following extensive research, Sporting Equals, as part of its research findings, issued the following statement late in 2020.
“There has been a growing concern and appetite for change when looking at terminology and language surrounding how communities impacted by racial discrimination are described.”
“Sporting Equals have since retired the use of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) and has since encouraged all its partners to do the same.
“The term BAME is unhelpful in its description. It blends ethnicity, geography and nationality, and in doing so, erases key identity reducing it to an ‘other’.”
As an organisation, England Boxing has also agreed to refrain from using the term BAME.
Instead, it will endeavour, where possible, to be specific and detailed in describing the communities it engages with and serves, such as African, South Asian, Chinese, Jamaican, Nigerian, Romany, Somali and Irish Traveller communities.
In those few circumstances where this might not be possible, it is advised the terms ‘Diverse Ethnic Communities’ or ‘Ethnically Diverse Communities’ should be used.
Clubs and individuals looking for further guidance should read the Sporting Equals Charter Terminology by clicking here.