Important Message Regarding National Championships, Club Shows and Club Affiliation Fees
July 21, 2020 | by Chris Boyd
England Boxing has issued the following update regarding National Championships, Club Shows and Club Affiliation Fees.
England Boxing National Championships, Club Shows & Club Affiliation Fees
As members will be aware that while Clubs will be able to open form Saturday, the extent to which boxers can train remains limited as a result of the government guidance on social distancing. At the outset can we stress we recognise how frustrating and disappointing this is and the problems it causes. We continue to lobby the government through the appropriate channels, however the safety of, and liability risk to our members and clubs remains our overriding priority in regards to the guidance we provide.
As result of this we regret to inform you, that that we have had to take the decision to cancel the following National Championships which had been rescheduled from March and April.
- Junior Championships – Semi Finals and Finals – scheduled for September.
- National Amateur Championships – Regional rounds through to Finals, scheduled for September – October.
- We have also had to take the decision to cancel the National Development Championships scheduled for September – October
- It has also been confirmed by the three federations (England , Scotland and Wales) that the Three Nations Representative Championships will not take place this year.
Regrettably, we can also confirm that Club, Regional shows and Box Cups will not be permitted in September and October. We recognise that Club Shows are a key source of income so please be assured we will continue to review the options regarding this as well as the proposed England Boxing Box Cups scheduled for November and December. If anything changes ahead of this then we will update accordingly.
We are sure you will appreciate the main reasons, but some of these include the following:
- 2m social distancing means that currently pad work, spar or boxing competitively is prohibited. This is consistent with other combat sports.
- Even in the unlikely event we were allowed to move to 1m plus, it would still mean we can’t Spar or Box and its not envisaged this will change in sufficient time for the Championships.
- The lay off and growth spurts means there are issues for the weight classification, especially with regards to the Juniors. Also time needed to get box fit / ready safely.
- Operationally the regulations mean we can’t operate due to social distancing, limit on numbers and its financially prohibitive to members. If you look at what the Professional boxing is required to do with testing then isolation in hotels it is not sustainable for Clubs. Neither, given the numbers we are talking about, enforceable so increases the health risk / liability significantly.
- Threats caused by a second spikes, local lockdowns.
With regards to the Junior National Championships, as the boxers reached the semi-final stage we will award the following in recognition of the achievement;
- We will award a finalist medal, the boxers will have their names on the role of honour, and in the event there is an international competition, an assessment for the semi-finalists by England Talent.
We fully understand the disappointment and problems this will cause. However and as stated, due to the restrictions of the government guidelines and that safety has to remain the priority, we have been left with little other option than to cancel the National Championships for this year.
Club Membership Fees
As stated we fully understand the disappointment, frustration and problems this causes Clubs and members. As you will be aware at the start of the lock down it was agreed that our Club and Membership fee would be reduced for the 2020 /21 season which was also delayed until 1st September. Please can we also put on record our thanks the those Regions that has agreed to cover the remining 50% of club membership fees. However in light of the ongoing issues the Clubs face, it has now been agreed for the 20/21 season that those Clubs in membership at the end of March 2020 will automatically become members for 2020 / 21 season at no additional cost. It is stressed that this is for this season only. Further details on how this process will be managed will follow.
Individual membership fees are still maintained however and are confirmed at £5.50 for boxers and £11.00 for coaches, officials volunteers etc. Members are encouraged to renew as quickly as possible in September, if for no other reason as to ensure the insurance protection is in place.
We trust all is clear. If there are any queries then please do not hesitate to contact at: enquiries@englandboxing.org or contact your Regional Club Support Officer.