England Boxing Membership Rules
May 16, 2019 | by Matt Halfpenny
Following recent experiences by the Regions and England Boxing on approving applications from prospective members and disputes between Clubs, England Boxing has pulled together the Membership Rules into one centralised document.
The aim of the Membership Rules, is that for those joining or already in membership they can now easily understand the rules, requirements and obligations in order to deliver boxing to the membership in the best possible way.
Much of this reflects current practice/ regulations and has involved consultation and feedback from the Regional representatives.
This should also help ensure that the rules can now be administered, especially for new clubs, in a clear and transparent way and be able to follow due process.
It also explains what to do in the event of dispute and how any issues can be reviewed. We anticipate this improvement will work in much the same way as the benefits of having one collated Rule Book.
We attach the Membership Rules for your records, these rules will also be available on the website and The Vault from the 1st June 2019.
In addition please see below two recent rule updates which will take affect from the 1st June 2019. The new rules will be added to the England Boxing Rule Book which can be found here.
Please see the Membership Rules for your records, these rules will also be available on the website and The Vault from the 1st June 2019.
In addition please see below two recent rule updates, which will be added to the England Boxing Rule Book which can be found here.
- AIBA rule 48.7. Hijab
- 48.7.1. Women and Girl Boxers may wear a black sport form-fitting Hijab
- The Hijab can include the following elements:
- Long-sleeved form fitting shirt under the Competition vest;
- Full-length form fitting tights under the Competition shorts or skirt;
- Sport Hijab scarf. AIBA Technical and Competition Rules – 81 AIBA Technical and Competition Rules – 81
- The use of Hijab in the Field of Play shall not interfere with the view of the referee and judges, or potentially cause any injuries or cuts, or give any unfair competitive advantages.
- No identification of the Member Association, and no further elements such as marks, insignia, statements or slogans shall be displayed on the Hijab, tights or sleeves.
- The hijab outfit has to be presented and approved during the Sport Entries
- Any Male Youth Boxer over 64kg must wear 12oz gloves for competitive boxing. This is to include any catch weight contest involving any boxer that is over 64kg even if one is less than 64kg.
- Therefore for clarity, with effect from 1st June 2019 please ensure the following is adhered to:
All Male Youth and Elite Boxers over 64kg must wear 12oz gloves
NB: Should one boxer be over 64kg and one under both boxers must wear 12oz gloves.
All Female Youth and Elite weight categories use 10oz gloves
Should there be any queries then please do not hesitate to contact us at enquiries@www.englandboxing.org