Distance for calculating maximum capacity when reopening indoor venues is confirmed
July 14, 2020 | by Matt Halfpenny
England Boxing has received clarification over the distance that must be used to work out capacity for indoor boxing gyms and facilities, which are allowed to reopen from Saturday 25th July.
The UK government has confirmed that a minimum of 100 square feet (9.29 square metres, or 3.05 metres in each direction) per person must be used when working out a venue’s maximum occupancy.
The wording from the UK government is as follows:
The maximum occupancy of each gym should be limited by providing a minimum of 100sqft per person. For this figure, the area is the net useable gym space available to members to use, including changing rooms, toilet and wash facilities. Reducing capacity in this way whilst sustaining ventilation flows, will increase the typical current 10l/s/p flow rate of ventilation to at least 20l/s/p, as fewer people are being served by the ventilation system.
In addition, a distance of at least two metres in all directions must be observed at all times by everyone who uses an indoor sporting facility, with particular care taken at pinch points.
You can find an updated version of England Boxing’s Guidance Towards a Full Return to Amateur Boxing by clicking here.
England Boxing is to send out guidance and forms to Clubs around COVID-19 risk assessment and Test and Trace in due course.