Tag Archive for: lockdown

Club Case Study: Larches and Savick is a hotbed of positive wellbeing for it’s community

Larches and Savick have recently celebrated their 20th anniversary. The club started as a way to reduce local crime but quickly crew to become a vital cog in the community.

Grants available for clubs during new lockdown

England Boxing clubs are set to be able to tap into a share of the £4.6 billion government funding made available as a result of the latest Coronavirus Pandemic national lockdown.
Boxing headguards

VIDEO: #KOCOVID19 campaign song ‘to raise a smile’

RAF Boxing’s registrar Eamon Geraghty has written and recorded a tongue-in-cheek boxing-related song in support of England Boxing’s #KOCOVID19.

Keeping Britain active through Covid – search is on for the nation’s coaching heroes

UK Coaching has re-opened its national awards to mark the great coaches who have inspired and motivated the nation to keep moving during the coronavirus lockdowns – and are inviting nominations from the England Boxing community.